Monday, March 15, 2010

There are certain people, that I know I can trust, that I want to call and tell them, but then I do not. I want to keep him all to myself, but I also want to call Karen or even Trish and scream it from the rooftops!!!

Susan, if and that is a BIG IF, Ron and you get back need to be very careful of who you tell. You have been able to keep, for the most part, everything to yourself up until now and do not start with this. The relationship, if one happens, is going to be more fragile or just as fragile as a newborn baby. It is going to need to be nurtured and loved and needs to grow strong before others are allowed to know because you and him need to get strong again with each other.

Gosh..I want to call him!! I want to pick the phone up and see how he is doing, what he is doing, and talk to him all day. I took work off because I just cannot handle it right now. I need to re-group my life and I need to prepare for this week because I did not this week at all. I need to get my planner going and I need to continue on with life as like I never called him.

I love him and he knows that. He is here and he is going to call me tonight, which is a good sign. I feel like I have him, but not like I want but I cannot rush this because I need to re-water it and re-plenish it just like the potted plants that the boys gave me. I need to be patient and love him and if things will be what I want, and hopefully he will come with time. But gosh I love him!!!!! I want to hear his voice, his laugh, telling me to bite him, and everything that the smart ass can tell me.