Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Original first post on Blogger - dated 09/17/2006 - Initial reason(s) for starting this......

Okay, finally after throwing this idea around for the past, ummm, four weeks I have finally decided to do this. I seem to spend more time at the computer (work, lesson planning for children and personal study, and just plan entertainment) and not a lot of time where I can actually sit down and journal.

About three weeks ago, we had a sister who gave a talk about journaling, preserving memories, and such (1st subtle nudge from HF), and since then is seems that there are so many things that have happened and are happening, that I am saying to myself, I need to write this down because I so do not want to forget this (2nd not so subtle nudge) and thirdly, these incidences are happening ALL THE TIME, while the nudging is becoming a very hard PUSH. So, after today and the talk on Faith...I have decided to begin this.

One sister said that even the littlest things that you might think are insignificant, i.e. what you ate, what you wore, how your day went, etc., was one of her most cherished things.

I am also doing this for my children. I want them to emulate me and grow a love a journaling, at the same time I do, which each of them will eventually have their own page and contributing to that page.

So please enjoy, comment, and contribute if you have that prompting and also, as my title says, you can count on one thing from this and that is for me to be Always Susan, no more and no less. Don't we all deserve to be who we are down to the very core?

Until next post,

Always Susan :0)~
As you can tell...the nudging has not with the New Year..this is one of my goals that I have set. To blog, "journal" every day as to not to miss those little things that makes my life what it is.......GREAT!!!